How to Identify Which One Is Older?

Twin births are always exciting. But for parents, there is usually just one main concern: which twin is older? In some cases, your twins may also inquire, “Am I the firstborn?” Being eight minutes older than a twin is a big deal for some children.

Suppose one of your twin daughters walks ahead of the other. It’s not because she’s older. The variables include how much earlier than expected the twins were born and how long they spent in the uterus.

Most importantly, who comes out of the mother’s womb first determines which one of your twins is older.

When do you tell who is older?

Twins most likely become aware of one another before the age of seven or seven years. Probably, they don’t even care which sister is older in some circumstances. Perhaps you don’t need to bring it up if they don’t, either. Another option is to bring them up and say them.

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Fun facts about twins you should know

  • Identical twins have unique fingerprints.
  • Skin tones can vary significantly between identical twins.
  • At 14 weeks, twin interactions begin in the womb.
  • Identical twins can have different diseases.
  • You have a 3–4 times greater chance of having additional sets of non-identical twins after having one set.
  • The birthdays of identical twins may vary (the longest gap is 63 days).
  • A twin pregnancy is more observable than a single pregnancy regarding physical changes.

Possible explanations for why one twin is older than the other

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There are several methods for determining which twin is older.

Position in the womb

Looking at the placenta’s position throughout pregnancy is one typical method. Typically, Baby A is delivered first during natural delivery. However, the twins infrequently switch positions at the last moment, and Baby B comes first, as stated by the Stanford Medicine News Center. The older twin will typically be the one who is positioned lower than the other twin.

Newborn weight

Another approach is to examine the twins’ birth weights. Usually, the older twin is the one who weighs more. Sometimes Premature twins appear to be the “older” twins.

Physical attributes

You can also consider the twins’ physical characteristics. The older twin will typically be a little taller and have more mature features than the younger twin. It might not always work, as every baby’s growth is different.

Twin Birth Order Effect

According to this phenomenon, the twin born first is typically more productive and competent than their second-born twin. Various studies have studied this effect extensively and are believed to be caused by several factors. Many people think that twins’ personality types are influenced by the order in which they are born. Twins born first are more self-sufficient, while twins born second are probably calmer and more socially active.

However, does this assumption hold any validity? Research on the topic has produced conflicting findings, with some arguing that birth order affects the temperaments of twins and others doubting this.

Although there is evidence for the twin birth order effect, it’s important to remember that not all firstborn twins will perform better than their second-born. Your child’s success can also be influenced by various factors, such as intelligence, effort, and luck.

American twin birth rates 1980–2019, broken down by race

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Statistical data provided by Frédéric Michas state that the present rate of twin births in the US is significantly greater among non-Hispanic black women than any other racial background.

The fertility rate for twins in the United States has risen in recent decades, with nearly 32.1 twin births per 1,000 newborns in 2019. The likelihood of having twins is affected by several variables, including racial group, genetic makeup, the mom’s age, the number of previous pregnancies, and assisted fertility treatments. In the US, twin birth rates are significantly higher among women between the ages of 45 and 54 than among younger women. Connecticut, Michigan, and South Dakota have the highest typical twin birth rates.


What’s the most unusual category of the twin?

Twins who are monoamniotic-monochorionic. These particular twins have a shared chorion, placenta, and amniotic sac. This is the most uncommon type of twin, indicating a highly risky pregnancy because the babies can become wrapped up in their umbilical cord blood.

Which racial group has the most twins?

The likelihood of twin pregnancies is highest among African-American women. The lowest rates of twins are among Asians and Native Americans.

How many types of twins are there?

Identical or monozygotic twins: when a single fertilize a single egg, and the fertilized egg divides into 2. The identical twins you have will always be of the same sex and have the same genome.

Dizygotic twins or fraternal twins: Fraternal twins are commonly called non-identical twins. Dizygotic, the medical term for fraternal twins, describes two fertilized eggs. Dizygotic twins occur when the parent’s body produces two eggs simultaneously at the same time.

When do twins become premature?

Premature birth is the delivery of a child before 37 weeks. Twins typically arrive at about 37 weeks and weigh an estimated 5.5 lbs (2.49kg). Triplets usually arrive at 34 weeks, weighing approximately 4lb (1.8kg).

Which twin is typically the greater in size?

First-born twins naturally weighed more at birth than second-born twins. First-born twins had a slight height advantage over second-born twins when they were young.

Who has the twin gene?

The mother’s genetic makeup determines twins in a twin pregnancy. The ability to conceive fraternal twins is inborn, but not the ability to create identical twins. The mother may be genetically predisposed to releasing two eggs during a single menstrual cycle.


Therefore, unlike a single-born child who typically has a mother’s whole love and care, twins have to compete for that from conception onward, even while in the mother’s womb. They have ultimately had to share space from the day of birth, which leaves the door open for doing so throughout life. Aside from jokes,

There are numerous myths about twin pregnancy. Some of the information may be fabricated, while some may be true. The information in this article is accurate and supported by evidence. Above all, remember that having healthy twins is more critical.