Why Is My 6 Month Old So Fussy? Explained

If you’ve ever wondered, “Why is my 6 month old so fussy,” you’re not alone. It’s a question that many parents find themselves asking at some point. The good news is that there are a few likely reasons for your baby’s fussiness. For one, it could simply be a phase your baby is going through.

Every baby is different, and some go through periods of fussiness more often than others. It could also be due to teething or an ear infection. If you’re unsure what might be causing your baby’s fussiness, don’t worry; in this blog post, we’ll cover the most common reasons for fussiness in 6 month olds and what you can do to soothe your little one.

Keep reading to find out.

Why Is My 6 Month Old So Fussy

Possible Reasons Why Your 6 month old Baby Is Fussy

Having a fussy baby can be discouraging and exasperating for any parent. You may feel like you’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work. Rest assured, you are not alone.

It is awful for any new parents to watch their baby cry. However, It’s common for 6 month old babies to be fussy. It is because they are going through many changes in their lives. For one, they are growing and developing at a rapid pace.

They are also becoming more aware of their surroundings and may feel overwhelmed by everything they see and hear. Additionally, many babies this age are teething, which can cause discomfort.

 We have listed down the best possible explanations for your baby’s fussiness.


Teething is one of the most common reasons for fussiness in 6 month old babies. It is because the process of growing new teeth can be pretty painful. Teething symptoms include gum swelling and tenderness, drooling, biting, and chewing.

If your baby is teething, you might notice that they are extra drooly and want to chew on everything they can get their hands on. You might also see that they are more irritable than usual. Try giving them something cold to bite on to soothe your teething baby, like a teething ring or a frozen washcloth. You can also massage their gums with your finger.

Growth spurt

Another reason for fussiness in 6 month old babies is a growth spurt. Most babies often go through growth spurts around this age, which can last a few days to a week. During a growth spurt, your baby will want to nurse more often because they are trying to get more calories to support their growth.

You might also notice your baby sleeping more or less than usual during a growth spurt. It is because they need extra rest to support their rapid growth. To soothe a fussy baby during a growth spurt, try nursing them more often or offering them a pacifier.

Starting solids

If you have recently started giving solid food to your baby, that could be the reason for their fussiness. Starting solids can be a significant change for your baby, and it can take time for them to adjust. To help your baby with fussiness, you can try baby led weaning.

The concept of baby led weaning is to let the babies feed themselves using their hands and skipping the spoon feeding right when they turn 6.

If your baby is having trouble adjusting to solid food, try giving them smaller amounts more often. Most breastfed babies face little problem in this transition. You might also want to offer a variety of different foods so that they can find something they like. For example, if your baby still has trouble, talk to your pediatrician about other options.

Sleep regression

Changes in the baby’s sleep pattern at the 6th month are also reasons for fussiness. For example, it can cause trouble sleeping for the baby.

At this age, babies usually go through several developmental milestones that can disrupt their sleep. For example, many babies start to crawl or roll over around this time, making it harder for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Sleep training your baby will help them set a bedtime routine, and sound sleep will help your baby’s development.

Baby cold or flu

If you have checked the above reasons and still can’t find an explanation for your baby’s fussiness, it might be due to a cold or the flu. These illnesses include a runny nose, congestion, coughing, and fever.

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about it, but you can try to make your baby more comfortable by suctioning their nose and offering them lots of fluids.

Babies usually become fussy when they don’t feel well. So if you think your baby might be sick, talk to your doctor.

Developing Allergies

When your baby starts eating solid foods, they might also develop allergies to certain foods. For example, babies’ most common food allergies are cow’s milk, soy, eggs, wheat, peanuts, and tree nuts. So if you think your baby might be allergic to a particular food, you should not give it to them.

Some babies become fussy because of environmental allergies, such as pollen, dust mites, or pet dander. Talk to your doctor about testing and treatment options if your baby’s fussiness might be due to an allergy.

Ear Infections

Babies can not speak and tell if they are in pain, but fussiness is often a sign that something is wrong. An ear infection is one of the babies’ most common causes of pain.

Ear infections often cause babies to cry more than usual and to be fussy. They might also pull or tug at their ears. It is common for babies to get an ear infection, sometimes because of water entering the ears while bathing.


Colic is another common cause of fussiness in babies. Colic is defined as crying for more than three hours a day, three days a week, for three weeks in a row. It is thought to be caused by intestinal gas or food allergies.

Colic often begins around six weeks of age and goes away on its own by four months. To soothe a colicky baby, you can try rocking them, walking with them, or giving them a pacifier.

Separation anxiety

At this age, babies usually get the idea of a mother being around and a father too. So when they are suddenly left with someone else, such as a babysitter, they might become fussier than usual.

This is because they are feeling anxious and scared. To ease separation anxiety, try to leave your baby with someone they know and trust for short periods at first. You can also try to stay nearby, such as in the next room, so your baby can still see and hear you.


As a parent, it can be frustrating when your child is fussy, and you don’t know why. However, there are a few possible explanations for why your 6-month-old might be acting up. It could be that they are starting to teeth, they are experiencing some separation anxiety, or they might be bored.

However, the best way to figure out what is causing your child’s fussiness is to observe them closely and rule out any medical causes. If you’re still unsure, it’s always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician.

With patience and trial and error, you’ll soon figure out what’s causing your child’s fussiness and how to best deal with it.

FAQs about your 6 Months Old

How much water should I offer my 6-month-old baby?

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests giving your 6 month old baby up to 8 ounces of water daily; however, many pediatricians recommend that water be limited to between 3-4 ounces daily.

What finger foods can I offer my 6-month-old baby?

Sweet Potato, Pumpkin & Carrots
Broccoli & Cauliflower Florets
Cooked Apples & Pears

Is it normal for a 6 month old to cry a lot?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for a 6-month-old to cry frequently. This is because babies are going through several developmental milestones at this age, which can disrupt their sleep, increase their separation anxiety, and cause other issues. However, if you think your baby’s crying is excessive, you should talk to a pediatrician.

Why is my baby all of a sudden so fussy?

There could be many reasons your baby is so fussy all of a sudden. It could be teething pain, hunger, gas, or diaper rash.

Is my baby in pain or just fussy?

If your baby has a regular habit of being fussy at a particular time of day, they are likely just fussy. However, if your baby is fussier than usual or if their fussiness is accompanied by other symptoms, such as ear pulling or tugging, it might be a sign that they are in pain.

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